Aeronautical Engineering Apprentice, Mareeba AU
Elisa, a graduate of NMIT in Aeronautical Engineering (AME) is wholeheartedly pursuing her calling to become a licensed engineer. This requires an additional 2 years of practical experience. Once licensed, her goal is to serve with MAF in the mission field.
Growing up in Avondale, Auckland, Elisa has had a deep fascination with mechanics from a young age—a passion she believes was placed in her heart by God. As her faith grew, she felt His clear direction guiding her to use her skills for His glory. Seeking to honour Him in both her work and life, she discovered MAF—a ministry that perfectly aligns with her love for aviation, mechanics, and sharing the gospel. With a heart dedicated to serving others and spreading God’s Word, she committed her studies to preparing for this mission.
Now, through God’s provision, she is carrying out an apprenticeship to become licensed with MAF International in Mareeba, Australia so she may be sent to serve where the need is greatest. Elisa continues to trust in His guidance, confident that He is equipping her for the work she has been called to do.
In Elisa’s words:
“I would like to convey my utmost gratitude to all who are helping me along my journey. I would not have had the opportunity to serve in expanding God’s kingdom without your generosity.”
Isaiah 55:44 It is the same with my word. I sent it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everything I send it.