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One Last Push

None of us like to wait. But most of what we want to achieve in life does not happen instantly. It takes time and effort and often involves delays and setbacks. We talk about life being a “journey, not a destination” but in reality, we want to “arrive”.

The Bible is full of stories of waiting. In Genesis 12:2-3 God made a promise to Abraham that continued far beyond his lifetime. This promise included the promise of fame, divine protection and that Abraham, through his descendants, would be a blessing to all people. Fantastic! Except Abraham never got to see this promise fulfilled.

For us the long wait is almost over! For years we have dreamed of a Centre at an airport which would be a hub of all kinds of missions and aviation activity. Today we are close to completing the new Kendon-Strong MAF Centre. Once the renovations are complete, it will be ready for use for years to come! This is an exciting time - but we still have “one more push” before it is ready for service. Will you be a part of getting the Centre finished? Will you help get us over the line?

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