Co-Pilot is a network of youth and young adults who want to partner with the work of MAF through prayer, finances, local representation and maybe even as MAF missionaries. Co-Pilot is here to create a community for mission-oriented young people in NZ to connect and explore the never-ending opportunities to serve our world. So there is plenty of room for those interested in missions outside of MAF as well.
The goal is to create community through local Co-Pilot communities around New Zealand that meet quarterly. Together, Stephen and these local Co-Pilot groups will run and host events throughout the year, including camping trips, worship nights, international speakers, flights in the MAF plane, game nights and short-term overseas outreaches.
Our hope is that Co-Pilot will be a community that ignites the hearts of young Kiwis to answer the call of missions locally and internationally.
Sound like you? Sign up using the form below!

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Want to be the wings in the air or boots on the ground? Find out more about serving with MAF around the world.
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