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MAF Track

MAFTrack is a personalised pathway for Pilots and Engineers to become mission-ready.

By joining MAFTrack, we will support you by:

  • Working with you to decide together what training and personal development will best prepare you to work with MAF.

  • Standing alongside you, encouraging, inspiring and assisting in your journey towards MAF. This includes putting a plan in place to help you stay focused and work towards your goal. 

  • Partnering with other organisations, including your local church, to purposely develop the practical skills you need.

What does it take to
be Mission-Ready?

Aviation & Technical Training

Cross-Cultural & Missions Exposure



We know that getting to the mission field may seem like a formidable process. We also recognise that you—like every person who applies to join MAF—come with your own life experiences, levels of training and aviation knowledge.

Serving with MAF means being on the front line of sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom to the isolated communities we serve.

Due to the variety of situations you might work in, your technical skills will have to be of the highest standard. But more than this, you will need to be able to combine strong decision-making and relationship-building skills with a positive approach to getting the job done.


Our fleet consists of a variety of aircraft, from DHC-6-300 Twin Otters and GA8 Airvans to Cessna 182s, 206s and 208s, including Grand Caravans and an amphibious floatplane.

We are looking for pilots who have an International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) based Commercial Pilot Licence with an instrument rating and Class 1 medical certificate. This is the minimum licensing requirement for all pilot positions.

In addition, you must already possess a minimum number of flight hours, with a portion of these as a Pilot in Command (PIC). Finally all Pilots must pass the MAF capability and Psychological assessments.

Minimum flight hours

  • 500 hours total flight time with 300 hours as PIC for all other programmes. With this level of hours, you will be classed as a Basic Pilot.

  • 1,000 hours total flight time with 500 hours as PIC for all other programmes. With this level of hours, you will be classed as an Experienced Pilot.

Find out more info in our Pilot Pack


If you are interested in engineering, we will work with you to gain the theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary to become either an authorised Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) or a CAA-approved Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME).

Our preferred training pathways in New Zealand are with ServiceIQ, Air New Zealand and Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology.

There may be an opportunity, once a MAFTRACK applicant has successfully completed both their two years of study/exams and the MAF Recruitment process, to complete the practical experience requirement at a MAF base overseas (either Australia, Africa or PNG).

Express your interest in MAF Track

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